Friday 4 June 2010

FMP Evaluation

During the course of this FMP module i have worked on live and collaborative briefs, what i have learnt from these is the relationship between myself and the client, i have found at times the client does not know what he or she wants until they see your design work, as frustrating as this was at times the experience did help me have a better understanding of cliental work and the exchanging of initial ideas and developmental work.
I have learnt that communication between myself and the client or collaborative partner is vital and if broken can have a huge confusion and frustration., Specific requirements are a must so you and you partner/client are both on the same page.
The majority of my briefs have been character driven which is the direction i wish to pursue however i feel i could have managed my time better and made decisions quicker, although i was working on live briefs were i had to await unpredictable feedback from client i could have used the time i had to really push some of the briefs i started and unfortunately did not finish.
For future briefs i will be more specific, make decisions sooner and make sure the quality of stock finishing is to a
professional standard. I need to be more organized with my work and make sure i am documenting development and files as i and designing.

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