Wednesday 31 March 2010

Interim Evaluation.

Initial Statement Of Intent:
"For my FMP i intend to produce character driven illustrations using a range of mediums and applying these across a variety of contexts. This will enable me to develop a versatile body of work for my portfolio. I intend on continuing the development and experimentation of character study and design, looking at both the narrative of character as well possible mediums. I will be doing this throughout visual journals and the independent documentation of found characters using sketchbooks and photography."

In response to this i feel i have selected the appropriate briefs to explore character design, the narrative of character, applying character to product for commercial use, character used to inform. However i do feel that i am behind with the resolving some of the briefs, two are ongoing due to one being a client based brief and another is a collaboration with digital media student for short story so have allowed more time for project. The other briefs i am working on are developed and not far off from resolving, i just need to take a step back look at what i have designed for each brief and set a day solely for each one so i can work on the execution of them. In doing this I will have work i can add to my portfolio, i can then concentrate on the client based/Live briefs i am working on and put full focus on developing new intentions for a my toy product 'DOY'.
Overall i am happy with the resolutions i have made this term but i need to manage my time more constructively and resolve briefs quicker otherwise i will end up with ten briefs all half finished.

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