Thursday 29 April 2010


Feed back i have received for my FMP briefs:

-Consider the final resolution quicker, i am developing ideas and characters but need to make an earlier decision to move the projects on and get them produced and finished.

-The photographs i have been uploading to my blog are quite dingy and dark so i need to lighten them up and
make them more presentable.

-Consider what i will be presenting on boards for each brief to help inform me of what i need to produce.

-For the collaboration with Jim, i need to add link to his blog to show his rendering and research relevant to project.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Character development

Front cover for book.

Character development

Character development

'The seed picker', i created this little guy for the photograph Angus took of a brick wall, there was a tiny bit of grass growing on the top of the wall with some little seed like plants, this gave me the idea of a character that collects these for food source, wearing a little bag on his back.

Character development

Two plum like creatures caught hiding in the side of a bin.

Character development

Two scavengers looking for a bite to eat.

Character development

One of the photos Angus has given me had a sticker on a lamppost with the corner peeling off, i thought this could be a great template to create a character peeling the sticker off so i have create a flying character trying to steal it but has been caught in the act.

Character development

After looking through the new photos angus sent me i have began added characters interacting within the surroundings, below i have created a little character that lives in the trees survives eating leaves and green flies and uses its tail to move from one branch to another.

I have added a shadow on the leave the character is hiding behind, the expression of surprise i think will be consistent through all the characters as though Angus has caught them with his camera, the element of surprise.

I have made the character a slightly lighter colour.

New Photographs new direction

Angus went out and took some new photographs for the re-evaluated project, i will use these to base the characters on and see what is produced. I have added a few of the new photos below:

Monday 26 April 2010


After discussing and developing the found community project with Angus, i have came across the exact same idea we had and has destroyed me as i was really excited about creating this project.

Johan Thornqvist is the designer, his practice consists of merging illustration with photograph, these are really great designs i just wish we had got there before him, on the bright side great minds think alike, we'll re-evaluate and keep on smiling, happy days.

New intentions:
After the tears me and Angus have decided to stop what we are doing, take a step back and hit this project at a different angle, we are going to make this a character driven brief, Angus is going to retake some photographs and i will be creating characters that will be interacting with something in the photo, for example if Angus takes a photo of a snapped twig i could create a little monster standing in that position so it will look like he his stepping on it.

We did not want to scrap this project as we both feel us collaborating with such different aspects in design could potentially be a great project.

Angus is going to take some of the new photos tomorrow evening to get the ball rolling and as soon as i receive them i will let my imagination run wild, we really need to produce this soon so its full speed from here on.

Acorn people

I have created a rough mock up which i emailed to Angus to show the intentions i had for the found communities, Angus had previously mentioned about having the illustrations in black and white so i have also done this to show example. We have spoke of having six to eight images that Angus will layout in a book.


These are the developed front cue cards, i will be printing off these and the rest of the illustrations i have designed onto stock and laminating them to created a mock for a meeting later this week with Nick, so we'll see what feedback i will receive.

Food Theory development

I had previously added titles of the food groups within the triangle but it seemed to cramped and messy for a 5-7 year old to read, i will propose this and wait and see if it will have to change.

I am happy with the likes and dislikes section of the food theory, i keep it really simple and basic with just the two elements, happy and sad.

Prepare food development

I have added colour to the food doughy joey is juggling to make the image more engaging and eye catching for the children to look at.

For the cue card chop and peel i wanted to take a fun approach and have joey chopping some food with his hands like a karate kid! I did remove the slash marks i created as i felt they looked to like knifes, i did not want to place knifes in this illustration, i thought it might not be appropriate for children of that age.

Food safety development

I have added a chef hat to joey while he is dressed up in his safety gear but i don't feel it is working as well as when he is wearing his safety helmet, it just looks out of place.

Friday 23 April 2010