Tuesday 13 April 2010


I have been going over and over the briefs i have been working on over the past couple of weeks and i have decided to re-evaluate the projects i am currently working on.I have already mentioned in my interim evaluation that i want to concentrate on the making of my toy brand 'DOY' from this point on till the FMP deadline, i also have a second toy brand called 'GEO'S' which i have been currently working on.

In the past couple of weeks i have received some work, two briefs, one to produce a logo for a comedy show playing at Edinburgh Festival and the other to design a flyer for the 'global skills college' encouraging teenagers to study at there college.
These briefs have become priority at the moment as they are live, with real deadlines especially the Edinburgh Festival as it will be displayed on stage as well as magazine, newspapers ect. I have decided to drop the 2010 xmas gift wrap brief and have new intentions for the 7 sins brief, i have re-evaluated the 7 sins brief before, i will design a character for each sin, i feel this is more appropriate to my design practise, i had been working on making a book but as we are approaching the end of Easter i am worried about the execution and the quality of how this book will turn out? i know it will be time consuming because i planned for it to be a pop-up and interactive and has already taken time mocking up samples, by doing this i feel i can spend my time more effectively on my toy brands 'DOY' and 'GEOS' and continue designing the other three collabrative briefs i am currently working on.


Dropped brief: Xmas gift wrap
Re-evaluation 7Sins: Produce character for each sin

Current briefs:

3D workstation with Nick Shute
Short story with Jim Dunford/digital media
Logo for comedy show
Flyer for global skills college
Found Colinies with Angus Macperson


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