Thursday 22 April 2010

Re-evaluating tall character

Dean: i have taken the feedback received by Jim and re-visited the character i previously created,
i have changed the expression of the character to make him more sad and tired.

Character features are:
-Sunken dark eyes
-Bags under eyes
-Small mole like marks on body
-Small lines (like what you see on leather) on body
-No teeth just gums
-Bottom lip is always out

The arms of the character are tenticle like with suction pads at the top, with a sticky under neath texture and little bumps, the arm will be a smooth rubber texture. Where the arm comes out of the body is a plug also a smooth rubber texture.

The arms are long enough to reach the top of the rug so they can be cleaned, the sticky texture collects all the dust particles and dirt the rug as been gathering.

The legs of the character are kangaroo like to enable him to have the right spring movement just before stretching out and shooting himself off. They are strong and a smooth texture like the arms.

The stance of the character is tired, dragging arms slowing bouncing while he walks, droopy facial expression and that bottom lip sticking out.

Front view of the character.

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