Monday 26 April 2010


After discussing and developing the found community project with Angus, i have came across the exact same idea we had and has destroyed me as i was really excited about creating this project.

Johan Thornqvist is the designer, his practice consists of merging illustration with photograph, these are really great designs i just wish we had got there before him, on the bright side great minds think alike, we'll re-evaluate and keep on smiling, happy days.

New intentions:
After the tears me and Angus have decided to stop what we are doing, take a step back and hit this project at a different angle, we are going to make this a character driven brief, Angus is going to retake some photographs and i will be creating characters that will be interacting with something in the photo, for example if Angus takes a photo of a snapped twig i could create a little monster standing in that position so it will look like he his stepping on it.

We did not want to scrap this project as we both feel us collaborating with such different aspects in design could potentially be a great project.

Angus is going to take some of the new photos tomorrow evening to get the ball rolling and as soon as i receive them i will let my imagination run wild, we really need to produce this soon so its full speed from here on.

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