Wednesday 5 May 2010

'Found You'

After showing Angus the illustrations we discussed how many we should have, we decided to have a total of eight illustrations and an extra illustration for the front cover of the resolution. Angus also came up with a new title for our collaboration 'Found You', this is brilliant, fun and appropriate for the characters i have been created with the expressions of being caught.

I Have revisited one of the illustrations i previously did and made a couple of the characters smaller as i felt they were not working as well as the others, they looked like they were just stuck on and not interacting with the surroundings in the photograph.

I have created four more characters and placed them within the surroundings of the different photographs, i have passed these illustrations on to Angus so he can start looking at the format of the final resolution.
We discussed about what stock we could possibly use and what format we both want to produce a zine using a recycled newsprint stock. Angus will beginning playing around with layout and we will both sit down and make a decision on what stock, format or edition of the final resolution we will be producing.

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